The People of Rice

Romain Albouy

Graduate Student, Applied Physics Program
Advisor: Dr. Chong Xie (ECE)
Matriculation Year: 2020

Mauro Alcorta
Mauro Alcorta

Facilities Staff Assistant

Suhail Aldhurais

Graduate Student, Applied Physics Program
Matriculation Year: 2021

Lawrence Bruce Alemany
Lawrence Bruce Alemany

Lecturer of Chemistry

Katie Alexander - Ph.D. Student
Katie Alexander

Graduate Student

David Alexander
David Alexander

Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Director, Rice Space Institute
Department Ombudsperson

Leo Alexander III
Leo Alexander III

Graduate Student

John Alford
John Alford


Salma Alhashim

Graduate Student

Welcome to CEE
Priyanka Ali

PhD Graduate Student, Stadler Research Group

zahid ali
Zahid Ali

Graduate Student

Maryam Aliakbarpour
Maryam Aliakbarpour

Michael B. Yuen and Sandra A. Tsai Assistant Professor

Naza Aliyeva
Naza Aliyeva

Department Coordinator

Kyle Alkire
Kyle Alkire

Graduate Student
Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research
1st Year (Advisor: de Hoop)

Elizabeth Allen
Elizabeth Allen

PhD Graduate Student

Genevera Allen
Genevera Allen

Adjunct Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Statistics
Investigator, Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Baylor College of Medicine
Former Faculty Director, Rice D2K Lab

Mari Allen

Senior Department Administrator

George Alliger
George Alliger


John Allison
John Allison

PhD Student

Rosa Almendarez
Rosa Almendarez

Graduate Program Administrator

Millicent Alooh
Millicent Alooh

BMET Implementation Regional Director, NEST360

Hatham Alotaibi

Graduate Student

Raeedah Alsayoud
Raeedah Alsayoud

Masters Graduate Student

headshot of an African-American female in purple shirt with greenish blue background
Christina Alston, PhD

Associate Director for Equitable Research, Evaluation, and Grant Development
Pre-College Commission for Diversity Equity & Inclusion / Delegate - ASEE

Esra Altun

Ph.D. Student

photo of the person
Pedro Alvarez

George R. Brown Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Member NAE
Director, NEWT Center
Director, Rice WaTER Institute

Diego Amador, Ph.D.
Diego Amador

Research Scientist - Criminal and Juvenile Justice Lead

Priyanka Amalkar
Priyanka Amalkar

MECE Student
Projected Graduation: Spring 2026

John S. Ambler
John S. Ambler

Emeritus Professor

Julia Amborski Profile Photo
Julia Amborski

Office Manager


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