David Cook
David Cook


Nina Cook
Nina Cook

Graduate Student

Keith D. Cooper

L. John and Ann H. Doerr Professor in Computational Engineering,
Professor of Computer Science

Kyle Cooper
Kyle Cooper

Director, Enterprise Infrastructure

Nkili Cooper

PhD Candidate

Neil Coraza
Neil Coraza

Senior Hyperion Developer

Zack Cordero

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Boeing Assistant Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Alison Coriell
Alison Coriell


Adrienne Correa
Adrienne MS Correa

Adjunct Assistant Professor of BioSciences

Correa Ochoa
Laura Correa Ochoa

Assistant Professor

Photo of Anita Cortez
Anita Cortez

Administrative Operations Specialist I

Emcy Corteza headshot
Emcy Corteza

Department Coordinator

August (Gus) Costa
August (Gus) Costa

Adjunct Lecturer

Leo Costello

Associate Professor of Art History
Chair, Department of Art History
Co-Director, Program in Museum and Cultural Heritage

Gelu Costin headshot
Gelu Costin

Research scientist and EPMA lab manager

Maura Coughlin
Maura Coughlin

Assistant Professor of Economics

Karyssa Courey
Karyssa Courey

Graduate Student


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