Trey Christensen
Trey Christensen

Finance Specialist

Placeholder image
Troy Christmas

Director, Maintenance

Brian Christner
Brian Christner

Graduate Student
Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research
2nd Year

David Christopher
David Christopher

Manager of General Accounting

SungHao Chuang
SungHao Chuang

MECE Student
Projected Graduation: Spring 2026

George Chumbipuma
Jorge "George" Chumbipuma

Graduate Student
Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research
2nd Year (Advisor: Riviere)

Lydia L. Chung

PhD Graduate Student
Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience
Health Psychology & Behavioral Medicine Research

Youngkun Chung
Youngkun Chung

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Lijie Ci

Adjunct Professor
Full Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering, Leader of Joint Center for Carbon Nanomaterials, Shandong University, Jinan, China

Theresa Cisneros
Theresa Cisneros

Administrative Operations Specialist III

Melissa Cisneros
Melissa Cisneros

Academic Administrator II

Gary Cisneros

Research Specialist

Nathan Citino
Nathan Citino

Barbara Kirkland Chiles Professor of History
Chair, Department of History

Marco Cuifolini
Marco Ciufolini

Adjunct Professor of Chemistry


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