Isabelle Perrigne
Isabelle Perrigne

Reginald Henry Hargrove Chair in Economics
Director of Ph.D. Admissions

Summer Perritt

PhD Candidate
Department of History
School of Humanities

steven perry
Steven Perry

Assistant Teaching Professor, Program in Writing and Communication

Emily Person
Emily Person

Senior Marketing and Communications Specialist

Ligia Pesquera Leismer

Academic Program Coordinator, Mathematics

Sarah Peters
Sarah Peters

Director of Communications for the Provost

Kelly Peters
Kelly Peters

Strategic Partnerships & Communications Manager
The Ken Kennedy Institute

Christine Petersen

PhD Graduate Student

Erik Peterson
Erik Peterson

Assistant Professor

Joseph Peterson

Global Health Fellow

Jonathan Peterson Profile Photo
Jonathan Peterson

Associate Director

Leif Peterson
Leif Peterson


Georgia Peterson
Georgia Peterson

Wiess Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences

Elizabeth Petrick
Elizabeth Petrick

Associate Professor, Department of History

B. Montgomery Pettitt
B. Montgomery Pettitt

Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Peyghambari Gharebagh
Ali Peyghambari Gharebagh

Graduate Student

Leila Peyravan
Leila Peyravan

Assistant Professor of Accounting


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