Graduate Student
Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research
5th Year (Advisor: Schaefer)
MECE Student
Projected Graduation: Spring 2026
Associate Vice President for Research Operations and Administration
Director, Treasury and Finance
Associate Director, Humanites Research Center
Studio Manager & Chief Preparator
Graduate Student
GSA Finance Director
PhD Graduate Student, Bedient Research Group
Keck Hall 116
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Graduate Student
GSA VP Student Advocacy 2021-2022
PhD Graduate Student, Grande-Allen Lab
Treasurer, BIOE GSA
PhD Candidate
Lecturer, Spanish
Director of the Center for Community and Public Health
Ast. Professor, Psych Sci |
Faculty Scholar, Center for the US & Mexico (Baker Institute) | AF Faculty, Dept. of Medicine, ReACH Center (UTHSCSA)
Assistant Research Professor
PhD Candidate
Department of Philosophy
Adjunct Professor
Professor, Materials Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Lecturer, Program in Writing and Communication