Alex Pugh
Alex Pugh

Lecturer, Social Policy Analysis

Sai Pranav
Sai Pranav Pullemla

MECE Student
Graduation: Fall 2022

Passa Pungchai
Passa Pungchai

PhD Graduate Student, Bashor Lab
Social Chair, BIOE GSA

Jessica Pungo
Jessica Pungo

Internal Auditor

Photo of Ally Purugganan
Ally Purugganan

Marketing and Communications Specialist

Mary Purugganan
Mary Purugganan

Senior Lecturer in Professional Communications
PSM Communication Lecturer

Jane Puthaaroon
Jane Puthaaroon

Instructional Technology Specialist III

Anand Puthirath Balan

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Audrey Putnam headshot
Audrey Putnam

Graduate Student
Doctor of Philosophy

Hao Qi
Hao Qi

Graduate Student, Master of Statistics

Xinyi Qi

MECE Student
Graduation: Fall 2022

Pam Qian
Peizhu "Pam" Qian

Ph.D. student
2024-25 Future Faculty Fellow

Xinwu Qian, Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor
Xinwu Qian

Assistant Professor

Ray Qu
Ray Qu

Graduate Student
Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research
3rd Year (Advisor: Chan)

David Queller
David C. Queller

Professor Emeritus

Caroline Quenemoen
Caroline Quenemoen

Associate Provost for Strategic and Educational Initiatives


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