Ananya Mondal

Graduate Student

Anupam Mondal

Postdoctoral Fellow

Kirtida Monpara
Kirtida Monpara

Benefits Specialist

Jane Montealegre

Assistant Professor

Christy Montecillo
Christy Montecillo

Director, Finance
Office of the Dean, School of Humanities

Maria Montemayor
Maria Montemayor

Coordinator, Ethics, Compliance, and Enterprise Risk Management

Jonathan Montes
Jonathan Montes

PhD Graduate Student, Luan lab
Outreach and Professional Development Chair, BIOE GSA

Yesenia Montoya
Yesenia Montoya

Assistant Vice Provost, DEI

Elle Moody '14
Elle Moody ’14

The Moody Foundation, Galveston, TX

Marlon Mooijman
Marlon Mooijman

Assistant Professor of Management – Organizational Behavior

Henk Mooiweer
Henk Mooiweer

Adjunct Professor of Chemistry
Adjunt Lecturer, Invention and Innovation

Sarah Moon

Graduate Student

Joshua Moore
Joshua Moore

PhD Candidate

Janet H. Moore
Janet H. Moore

Senior Lecturer in Management – Communication

Matthew D. Moore

Undergraduate Student, BS in Materials Sci & NanoEng

Sophie Sapp Moore

Postdoctoral Associate

Bartlett D. Moore IV

Assistant Teaching Professor
Director, Cognitive Sciences

Patricia Morales
Patricia Morales

Project Coordinator


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