Mohamad Kadan

PhD Student

Ganesh Kailasam
Ganesh Kailasam

Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Ataollah Kalantari Osgouei

Graduate Student, Applied Physics Program
Matriculation Year: 2023

Prashant Kale
Prashant Kale

Associate Professor of Strategic Management

Karan Kalhan
Karan Kalhan

Senior Financial Data Analyst

Brenton Kalinowski
Brenton Kalinowski

Graduate Student

Ajay Kalra
Ajay Kalra

Herbert S. Autrey Professor of Marketing

Mark Kamara
Mark Kamara

Graduate Student
MS in Energy Geoscience

Stavroula Alina Kampouri
Stavroula (Alina) Kampouri

Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Yoully Kang
Yoully Kang

Project Coordinator

Anthony Min Kang
Anthony (Min) Kang

Computational and Applied Math, Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Data Science (Pre-Med)
UROP International at RWTH Aachen University

Amil Kanji

Graduate Student

Harikishan Kannan

Graduate Student

Kanchanah Kannathass
Kanchanah Kannathass

Senior Data Manager

Lauren Kapcha headshot
Lauren Kapcha

Assistant Dean for Communications and Student Programs
Adjunct Lecturer

Sergio Kapusta Headshot
Sergio Kapusta

Professor in the Practice
Instructor, Complimentary Industrial Liaison Manager for Rice University Energy and Environment Initiative

Aysenur Karagoz
Aysenur Karagoz

Graduate Student
Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research
5th Year (Advisor: Schaefer)


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