Simon Fischer-Baum
Simon Fischer-Baum

Associate Professor

David Fisher
David Fisher

Milton B. Porter Professor
Professor of Mathematics

Owl Image
Frank Fisher

Professor Emeritus

Jeff Fitlow
Jeff Fitlow

Senior University Photographer

Charlotte Flatebo
Charlotte Flatebo

Applied Physics Program, PhD 2021
Advisor: Dr. Christy Landes (CHEM)

Headshot of Shelby Flavin-Rosales
Shelby Flavin-Rosales

Recruiting Coordinator and Alumni Liaison

Jeffrey Fleisher
Jeffrey Fleisher

On Sabbatical - Fall 2024
Professor & Department Chair, Anthropology

Jeff Fleming
Jeff Fleming

Fayez Sarofim Vanguard Professorship of Finance

Katherine Fletcher

Technical Director, OpenStax

 Samantha Fleury
Samantha Fleury

PhD Graduate Student, Veiseh Research Group

Lupe Flores
Lupe A. Flores

Graduate Student

Mauro Florez
Mauro Florez

Graduate Student, Doctor of Philosophy

Olivia C. Flynn

Graduate Student

Jon Flynn
Jon Flynn

Assistant Teaching Professor of BioSciences
TMC Neuroscience Liaison for Undergraduate Research

Naomi Foamkom
Naomi Foamkom

Community Engagement Coordinator

Lorenzo Focardi Olmi

Visiting Scholar

Mel Ford
Melanie Ford Lemus

Graduate Student

Robin Forman

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics


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