Amy Berg
Amy Berg

Assistant Professor

Lila M. Berger

PhD Graduate Student

Joseph Berglund

Graduate Student, Applied Physics Program

Josh Bernstein
Josh Bernstein

Associate Teaching Professor of Art
Director of Undergraduate Studies

Rose Berridge
Rose Berridge

Executive Administrator

Janine Berrill
Janine Berrill

Faculty Affairs Administrator

Sebastian Berrios Carvajal

Graduate Student, Applied Physics Program

Roberto Bertolusso

Senior Pfeiffer Lecturer

Photograph of Jay Bethea
Jay Bethea

Assistant Director

Zach Bethune
Zach Bethune

Associate Professor

Ksenia Bets headshot
Ksenia Bets

Research Administrator, Yakobson Group

Morgan Bettin-Coleman
Morgan Bettin-Coleman

Graduate Student

Kanaen Beyene

Research Accountant

Sohini Bhattacharyya headshot
Sohini Bhattacharyya

Postdoctoral Research Associate
2023-24 Future Faculty Fellow

Sutanu Bhowmick

Graduate Student
Nagarajaiah Research Group
Ryon Lab 221

Dapeng "Max" Bi

Adjunct Affiliate, CTBP, Rice University
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Northeastern University

Andrew Billing
Andrew Billing

Assistant Vice President of Strategy, Leadership, and Governance

Ed Billups
Ed Billups

Professor Emeritus of Chemistry


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