Quintin Gorman Jr.

WEBSITE(S)| Personal Website | Lab Website | Google Scholar

Quintin Gorman, Jr. is a sociology doctoral candidate and graduate research assistant in the Racism and Racial Experiences (RARE) Workgroup at Rice University in Houston, Texas. His research interests include the intersection of racial attitudes, racial identity, and second-class citizenship. His dissertation project uses original multiple-item scales to examine the contemporary meaning, prevalence, and significance of Du Boisian double consciousness among Black adults.

Research Areas

Racial Attitudes; Racial Identity; Second-Class Citizenship; Social Psychology; W.E.B. Du Bois


M.A. in Sociology, Rice University, 2021

B.A. with Honors in Sociology and Political Science, McMurry University, 2018

Societies & Organizations

Alpha Chi Honor Society

Alpha Kappa Delta, Sociology Honor Society

Association of Black Sociologists

Society for the Study of Social Problems

Southern Sociological Society

Honors & Awards

Fellow, Lodieska Stockbridge Vaughn Fellowship, Rice University School of Social Sciences, 2024-2025

VITAL Scholar, University at Buffalo Visiting Future Faculty (VITAL) Program, 2023

Fellow, American Sociological Association (ASA) Minority Fellowship Program (MFP), 2023-2024

Scholarship Recipient, Statistical Training and Research Techniques (STaRT@Rice), Rice University School of Social Sciences, 2022


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