Graduate Advisor: Professor Mathias Henze

Wenji Konyu Emmanuel is a doctorate student in the School of Humanities - Department of Religion - at Rice University. He is fascinated by the manner in which the Wisdom Literature of the Hebrew Bible intersects and informs African understandings of biblical texts. Wenji holds a B.Sc. degree in Geology from the University of Buea. He studied theology at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary (PTS) Kumba and obtained a bachelor's degree (B.Th) in 2004. In 2013 he completed a Master's degree from the PTS Kumba.

From 2016-2023 Wenji was appointed by the synod of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC) to serve as chaplain and lecturer in the department of Biblical Studies at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary (PTS) Kumba. He has taught Biblical Hebrew and related courses in the Old Testament. Wenji is married to Loveline Nzenria Aboki and they are blessed with four kids.

Research Areas

Intersections between Wisdom Leterature of the Hebrew Bible and African Christian Traditions


M.Th. - PTS Kumba

B.Th. - Presbyterian Theological Seminary (PTS) Kumba

B,Sc. Geology - University of Buea


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