Vincent Lai is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Rice University in the Health Psychology & Behavioral Medicine and Industrial-Organizational Psychology interest groups. He previously graduated from Rice in 2021 with a B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Biochemistry & Cell Biology. Vincent now conducts his graduate work in the Biobehavioral Mechanism Explaining Disparities Lab, supervised by Dr. Christopher Fagundes. His research interests focus on the impacts of interpersonal relationships and related stressors on well-being, such as how missing out on positive social experiences “hurts.” In his free time, you can find Vincent at the gym, spending time with loved ones, or relaxing with a good show or video game.

WEBSITE(S)| Personal Website | Lab Website
Research Areas
Health Psychology; Psychoneuroimmunology; Social Psychology; Industrial-Organizational Psychology; Fear of Missing Out; Interpersonal Relationships and Well-Being; Stress and Health
B.A. with Honors in Psychology, Rice University, 2021
Societies & Organizations
Society for Personal and Social Psychology (SPSP)
American Psychological Association (APA)
Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in Psychology
Honors & Awards
Academic Honors in Psychology