Olivier Péloquin

Olivier Péloquin is a second-year Ph.D. student in U.S. history interested in transnational perspectives on the Civil War and Reconstruction eras. His work currently centers around but not exclusively on New Orleans and the French military intervention in Mexico(1862-1867). To decentralize the era from a U.S-centric perspective, he sought to introduce new French-speaking historical actors such as travelers, soldiers, journalists, and politicians to recover the transnational intellectual exchanges over white supremacy, emancipation, citizenship, and imperialism that occurred. Olivier Péloquin previously earned an MA from McGill University, where he researched the end of Reconstruction in Mississippi, Redemption, citizenship, self-defense, and the violent
electoral campaign of 1875.

Research Areas

Nineteenth-Century US; Imperialism; U.S. South; Civil War and Reconstruction Eras in an International Context; French Atlantic World; New Orleans


M.A., McGill University, History

B.A., Université de Montréal, History


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