Laura Vázquez Arreguín is a doctoral student in the history department. ​Her research interests include the rise of the West, colonization, race formation, nationalism and transnationalism. She is also interested in cultural and global history. ​Laura's previous research focused on Indig​enous peoples ​from central and northern Mexico, the Spanish Pacific, ​as wel​l as the ​role of the U.S. in world affairs. Laura graduated from the University of Houston-Downtown in 2011 with a Bachelors in Philosophy and Psychology. In 2019 she was the recipient of the Coverdell Fellowship, awarded to returned Peace Corp Volunteers. As a Peace Corp Volunteer she served in Armenia from 2015 to 2018. She completed her Masters ​degree in International Studies at Texas State University in 2021.

Research Areas

Social and Cultural History; Colonial Latin America; Slavery in the Americas; Global History; U.S. and the World.


M.A., Texas State University, 2021

B.A., University of Houston-Downtown, 2011


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