Huw Edwardes-Evans is a PhD candidate in the English Department at Rice. Huw's current research centers on contemporary transatlantic art, particularly poetry, in its struggles to engage with things called species (and their members) on shifting timescales, and the states of excess and incommunicability that result.

Huw's work draws on literary and political theory, and continental philosophy - most significantly queer theory, ecocriticism and so-called animal studies, and radical left thought. They have previously studied at UCL and the University of Bristol, and worked as a teacher, gardener, decorator and artist's assistant.

Research Areas

Contemporary literature; Ecological thought and ecocriticism; Queer theory; Marxism and anarchism


M.A., University College London (UCL), 2019

B.A., University of Bristol, 2017

Honors & Awards

UCL: Dean's List (2018-2019)

UoB: Savage Prize (2017)

Thomas David Taylor Prize (2017)

Tucker-Cruse Prize (2015)


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