Evan Horne

Evan Horne is a PhD student in the English department at Rice University pursuing studies in 19th-Century British Literature. He earned his B.A. in English at Houston Baptist University in 2017, after which he taught high school English for five years in the city of Houston. While teaching, he pursued his M.A. at the University of Houston--a degree that he completed in 2021--and has presented his work at the South Central Modern Language Association Conference as well as the Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies Conference. Topics that motivate his research include the relationship of the novel to various modes of representation and perception, the role of affective experiences in early formations of British nationalism, and the primacy of the body in the way we approach and interpret the spaces that surround us.

Research Areas

19th-Century British Literature; the Novel; Affect Theory; Ecocriticism; Empire Studies


M.A., English, University of Houston, 2021

B.A., English, Houston Baptist University, 2017

Honors & Awards

Wyman H. Herendeen Award for Excellence in Scholarly Publication, 2021

Dr. Robert Bradley English Major of the Year, 2017


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