Elisa Fattoracci - PhD Student

WEBSITE(S)| Personal Website

Elisa S. M. Fattoracci is a doctoral student in the Industrial-Organizational Psychology program in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Rice University. Her research interests include Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I), and trust-related dynamics within organizations. Her projects seek to document, understand, and redress the relationship between identity-based bias and employee devaluation, as well as explore ways in which identity relates to trust in the workplace. Elisa earned her B.A. in Psychology and Italian Studies from U.C. Berkeley in 2014 and her M.A. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from Rice University in 2023.

Elisa is part of the Industrial-Organizational Psychology RIG.

Research Areas

Trust; diversity, equity, and inclusion; identity.

Societies & Organizations

Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology

Academy of Management

American Psychological Association


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