Dallin Evans

WEBSITE(S)| Dallin Evans

Dallin Evans is a PhD student at Rice University studying Caliphal architecture in 10th century Islamic Spain, attempting to draw a link between Roman palatine complexes with their Arabic counterparts. Trained as both a practicing architect and galleried artist he is using his skills in production to analyze his areas of research. He earned a Masters of Architecture from Syracuse University with an emphasis in history and theory. There he studied Renaissance architecture (for a semester) in Florence, Italy. He also curated several exhibitions, earned a merit scholarship, and was a teaching assistant and research intern for history and theory professors. He earned a B.A. in fine art and a minor in philosophy from Southern Virginia University. There he also studied Renaissance art abroad in Italy, and earned academic honors and scholarships. Most recently he has participated with Glair Anderson in the Digital Lab for Islamic Visual Cultures & Collections in creating digital models of archeological findings at the al-Rummaniyya villa near Cordoba Spain.

Research Areas

Islamic architecture in Spain; Lingering image of Rome; Andalusian Literature; Digital reconstruction of archeology


M.Arch., Syracuse University, 2019

B.A., Southern Virginia University, 2016

Honors & Awards

2024, Marilyn Marrs Gillet International Travel Fellowship, University of York Travel Award

2019 Impact Generation WV Fellow


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