Annlyle Diokno headshot, Rice University Psychological Sciences

WEBSITE(S)| Portfolio | LinkedIn | Google Scholar

Research Areas

Human Factors in Aviation (e.g., UAVs, flight deck displays), Aerospace (e.g., AR heads-up display for spacesuits, procedures for astronauts), and Healthcare (e.g., mHealth, telehealth); Usability of Voting Systems, Consumer Technologies (e.g., gamification, touchscreen devices); Human-Computer Interaction; Computational Modeling of Cognitive Processes

Societies & Organizations

Vice President (2024-2025) of the Psychological Sciences Graduate Student Association (PsycGSA)

Professional Development Chair (2023-2024) of the Psychological Sciences Graduate Student Association (PsycGSA)

Secretary (2023-2024) of the Rice University Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Student Chapter (Rice HFES)

Student Member (2022 - Ongoing) of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES)

Honors & Awards

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Student Chapter Gold Award, 2024

Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship Nominee, 2021

SJSU Outstanding Graduating Senior Award, 2021

Summa Cum Laude, 2021

Associated Students Advocacy Award, 2020

San Jose State University Student Scholarship, 2020

San Jose State University Student Scholarship, 2019

Asian Pacific American Scholarship, 2019


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