
As a third year Ph.D. student in the Neuroengineering Initiative, Daniela's research in learning and memory is at the forefront of her academic pursuits. Utilizing rodent models she is investigating how to stimulate the hippocampus non-invasively using light through sharp-wave ripples, a particular pattern of neuronal activity related with memory consolidation. Her previous studies at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, where she worked with Ph.D. Erin McKiernan on projects like electrocardiogram analysis and a hippocampal cell excitability model, have provided Daniela with the necessary expertise to conduct cutting-edge research.

In the field of teaching and learning, Daniela is enthusiastic about fostering an inclusive and welcoming learning environment, focusing on building a growth mindset. Currently, she utilizes her skills as a leader in Rice Salseros to teach how to dance Brazilian zouk and occasionally assists with salsa lessons. Alongside her passion for dancing, she loves being outdoors riding a bike, with the purpose of grocery shopping, a long ride in Houston’s bayous or racing for Beer Bike.

Honors & Awards

CTE Graduate Fellow


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