
WEBSITE(S)| Alana Eisenbarth

Advisor: Jeffrey J. Kripal

Alana L. Eisenbarth is a doctoral student in the Department of Religion at Rice University. Her most pressing questions have to do with what can be known beyond the constructs of time and space (i.e., mystically and gnostically) and how this attempts to inform us. Within these questions she is interested in the reciprocal and esoteric nature of wisdom, spiritual embodiment as mythic expression, nondual conception, the social construction of normality and within this the deviant, mutant, and psychologically abnormal as divine agency. She is the author of the Aurora of the Philosophers book series: The Apocalypse of Eve 2019, The Girl Who Thought She Was God 2018, and The Terrifying Angel 2014.


Aurora of the Philosophers book series: The Apocalypse of Eve 2019
The Girl Who Thought She Was God 2018
The Terrifying Angel 2014.

Research Areas

GEM; the Nag Hammadi corpus; comparative mysticism; the nature and reach of consciousness; eschatology; Pistis Sophia; and the feminine divine


M.F.A. Poetry Writing, Washington University, 2001

B.F.A. Creative Writing, University of Maine at Farmington, 1999


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