Sable is responsible for leading and managing the general workflow of the bioengineering department and provides strategic direction for the administrative and operations-related functions for the department. She serves in an advisory capacity to faculty and the department chair in areas related to department administration and is responsible for the management of all departmental staff involved in administrative operations and support to faculty, staff in faculty labs, and students, and manages space within the department. She backs up the core administrative team where needed and provides support to the Chair on special projects and general department finances. Please reach out to Sable if you have questions or need assistance on:

  • HR related-activities to include staff hiring, navigating through immigration visa needs, payroll, and termination
  • Faculty related-activities to include P&T preparation, adjunct and joint appointment requests, faculty leave of absence. Activities also include CPRIT recruitment proposal processes, space renovation.
  • Effort reporting and project statement monitoring
  • General operational and research administration related challenges/questions.

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