ryan morgado

Ryan grew up in the Bay Area of northern California. After receiving his bachelors in Computer Science from San Jose State University in 2013, he moved to western Pennsylvania to get his masters in Student Affairs in Higher Education. Ryan first started at Rice in 2015 in the Student Center and is excited to transition to the SSI team to do some holistic advising and support initiatives for first gen and low income students. He loves: a good breakfast burrito, any Super Smash Bros. game, playing gaelic football, ametrue photography, and a solid game of Settlers of Catan.

Advising Philosophy: College is a time for new opportunities, self-discovery, and learning from mistakes. As an advisor, Ryan believes in celebrating successes and making meaning from failures. Both are incredible learning opportunities and can help students become the best version of themselves. “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” - Henry David Thoreau


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