Melissa Cragin

Melissa Cragin serves as Associate Vice President for Research Computing. In this role, she oversees the Center for Research Computing and is responsible for the strategic growth and development of cyberinfrastructure and related services on campus. Melissa works with the Faculty Working Group for Research Computing on planning and campus engagement and in partnership with the Fondren Library on the development of integrated research computing and data services.


Recent Publications: 

Federating CI Policy in Support of Multi-institutional Research: Lessons from the Ecosystem for Research Networking. (2022) 

Challenges and opportunities in big data research: Outcomes from the second annual joint PI meeting of the NSF BIGDATA research program and the NSF big data regional innovation hubs and spokes programs.  (2018)

Big data from small data: data-sharing in the 'long tail' of neuroscience. (2014)



2009 Ph.D. in Library and Information Science, University of Illinois

2001 MLIS, Rutgers University 

1989 M.Ed. in Special Education, Rhode Island College

1984 BA in American Studies, Union College


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