Katie Donovan

Katie Donovan is a director of development for the George R. Brown School of Engineering. She joined the engineering development team in 2019 and fosters relationships between alumni and friends of the School of Engineering, connecting their philanthropic and volunteer interests with the Dean of Engineering’s strategic priorities and initiatives. 

Main Responsibilities: 

- Maintains a portfolio of major gift prospects through the identification, cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship of donors with an emphasis on $100,000+ gifts

- Create plans and strategies to accomplish fundraising goals related to the Dean of Engineering’s priorities 

- Serve as advisor to the dean, department chairs, faculty and staff regarding fundraising activities

- Serves as engineering development liaison to the Rice Engineering Alumni (REA) sponsorship committee

- Works collaboratively with faculty and development colleagues in support of fundraising initiatives

- Collaborates on development-related communications and events

Prior to coming to Rice, Katie worked for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society with individuals who were passionate about supporting research to end MS and programs for people living with MS. Before that, she worked to fundraise for Covenant House Pennsylvania to support Philadelphia’s homeless youth, and on stewardship efforts for donors to the University of Pennsylvania. 


MS, Nonprofit Leadership, University of Pennsylvania

BA, Journalism, University of North Texas


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