John P. Waterhouse

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As director of communications for the School of Humanities, John P. Waterhouse is responsible for elevating the visibility and impact of the humanities and the arts at Rice University and advancing Dean Kathleen Canning’s vision for a more fully integrated and connective humanities.

In this role, he works closely with the dean, associate deans and fellow members of the school’s communications and events teams, as well as with faculty chairs and directors of the school's departments and interdisciplinary centers and programs. He pitches stories and collaborates with communicators across campus to foster awareness of the school's strategic priorities and the work and achievements of our amazing faculty, students and alumni.

John is always looking for great story ideas relating to the humanities and the arts at Rice, including:

  • Stories about initiatives and programs with positive societal impact.
  • Stories that demonstrate student success.
  • Human interest stories.
  • Stories about interesting discoveries or perspectives that impact societal challenges.
  • Stories that reinforce the school’s strategic priorities and the university’s strategic plan.
  • Stories that are visually compelling.
  • Stories showing our students and faculty in the community.

Have a story idea, branding question or communications request? Email John at


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