Florence Tang Headshot

Florence Tang is an architectural associate, project manager, journalist and design activist trained in architecture and mass media. She has orchestrated and is a core leader of architecture, exhibit, design-build construction and renovation projects that have garnered local and international press.

She has also edited and written numerous articles about urban planning, policies, design excellence, built environment, critical issues and infrastructure that have been published in various media.

She is a Facilities and Capital Planning Project Manager. She is part of the F&CP IDEA Committee, facilitator of the undergraduate seminar course Critical Dialogues on Diversity and serves as an OEDK engineering design mentor for students developing innovative solutions for community and client-based projects. She is FEMA ICS certified.

Previously, she planned, managed and led small, medium and large Capital Expenditure and Centennial projects in-house for Houston Zoo, a beloved cultural institution and leader among wildlife conservation. She was part of the Operations Leadership team and co-chaired the HZ's IDEA team.

Florence is a community leader having served on the Executive Board of Directors of the Rice Design Alliance, Youth Leadership Council and Sunflower Mission, a grassroots nonprofit NGO, by directing the media campaigns to fundraise and program capacities, build remote classrooms, and award scholarships to students. She has witnessed what the empowering forces of education, resources and opportunities can do for families, especially girls, in post-war communities.

She is a founding member of Women in Architecture Houston and AIAH JE:DI Collective, active with HNOMA, and served on the national board of AZFA as treasurer. She also served on the Texas Society of Architects Design Committee charged with formulating a statewide design awards program recognizing design excellence.

She received her Master of Architecture degree from Rice University and Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Trinity University in San Antonio. She has also studied at Harvard's Graduate School of Design and Istituto Universitario di Lingue Moderne IULM in Milan, Italy. She is a first gen college student and speaks Vietnamese, Italian and French.


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