Caroline Quenemoen

Caroline Quenemoen is Associate Provost for Strategic and Educational Initiatives (OSEI) at Rice University. Since 2010, Quenemoen has led the design and implementation of academic initiatives that advance equity on campus and in Rice’s engagement with external communities. She most recently served as Associate Dean of Undergraduates and Director of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry.

In her current role, Quenemoen draws on her leadership and expertise in high impact practices and faculty development to advance the university’s strategic priorities, with a particular focus on undergraduate education. OSEI's current efforts include leading the implementation of the recommendations of the Provost’s Task Force for Student Success; evaluating the equity and outcomes of high-impact practices at Rice; and developing and coordinating efforts to scale undergraduate research opportunities and expanding equitable access to and participation in research, civic engagement, and global education. Quenemoen is Principal Investigator on a NSF IUSE grant studying the impact of labor conditions on contingent faculty professional identity and STEM learning at Rice. She also serves as co-coordinator of Rice’s Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship program. 

As the founding director of the Center for Civic Leadership and the Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry, Quenemoen advanced curricular integration of high impact practices, established strategic partnerships on- and off-campus, and restructured policies and practices to address systemic barriers to full participation. Major initiatives included implementation of the Quality Enhancement Plan to scaffold research into the curriculum, participation in the Council on Undergraduate Research Transformations Project, funded by NSF, and establishment of the Certificate in Civic Leadership. She launched a number of highly consequential co-curricular programs to increase access to high impact practices for students from under-resourced backgrounds, including the Gulf Scholars Program (GSP@Rice), the Moody Global Fellows Program, the REU Support Program, and the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF).

Quenemoen began her career at Rice in 2000 as a member of the faculty in the Department of Art History, where she established a reputation for innovative pedagogy and project-based learning in courses taught at Rice and abroad. She served on the managing committee of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens and of the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome. She is co-editor with Roger Ulrich of The Blackwell Companion to Roman Architecture.



Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology, Yale University

B.A. in Classical Archaeology, Dartmouth College

Advisory Role

Gulf Scholars Program@Rice Advisory Board

Center for Civic Leadership Advisory Board


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