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Wendy Hoenig is a results-oriented, global business and technology leader creating new innovations for commercialization and building new businesses. Hoenig is Chief Executive Officer of H&H Business Development, a consulting firm in Houston which provides technology and business assessments for corporations and private equity companies. Wendy was formerly Chief Marketing & Sales Officer at Peak Nanosystems and she was also Chief Marketing and Technology Officer for Molecular Rebar Design. Prior to that, she worked for The Dow Chemical Company for 25 years. There she held executive leadership positions in North America and Europe, including Global R&D Director for New Business Development, Vice President of R&D for Dow Coating Solutions, and Global Business Director of Ventures & Business Development. Her global team was responsible for launching new technology and businesses that still contribute over $1 billion in sales for Dow.

Hoenig obtained her B.A. in Materials Science from Rice University and completed an Executive Education diploma in Entrepreneurial Studies at Babson College. She has also participated in continuing studies programs at IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland. Hoenig has served on the External Advisory Board for Rice University’s Brown School of Engineering, and she is a past President of the Rice Engineering Alumni. She is currently President of the Plastics Pioneers Association providing scholarships to students in industry, and she is also serving on the Texas A&M University Materials Science Industry Advisory Board. She is a past member of the Georgia Institute of Technology external advisory board for engineering, and she is a past member of the National Paint & Coatings Association Science & Technology Committee.

Wendy is the recipient of the 2018 Women Breaking the Mold award from Plastics News, the 2018 Rice University Outstanding Engineering Alumni Award, five R&D 100 Awards from R&D Magazine, and two Edison Awards for innovation. In May 2024, Hoenig was inducted into the Plastics Hall of Fame. She holds 16 US Patents.


B.A., Materials Science - Rice University (1986)

Executive Diploma, Entrepreneurial Studies - Babson College (1998)

Executive class, Financial Valuations - IMB (2002)

Teaching Areas

RCEL 400 and RCEL 420

Recent Patent Applications

16 US Patents; most recent is US11,945,196B2


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