Shani Evans

My research and teaching focus on race & racism, space & place, urban education, and qualitative research methods. My forthcoming book considers how Black long-term residents experience and respond to gentrification in a historically Black neighborhood in Portland, Oregon. I have also published work about school choice and the reproduction of inequality in urban school districts.

I completed a Ph.D. in sociology and education at the University of Pennsylvania, a M.S.Ed. in education policy at the University of Pennsylvania, and a B.A. in anthropology at Amherst College. My research has been supported by the Spencer Foundation, the National Science Foundation, and the American Sociological Association Minority Fellowship Program.


Evans, Shani Adia. 2021. In Press. “I wanted diversity but not so much” Middle Class White Parents, School Choice, and the Persistence of Anti-Black Stereotypes, Urban Education

Evans, Shani Adia. 2020. "When Schools Choose: Evaluation and Inequality in Education.” Sociological Quarterly 61(3):1-21.

Bader, Michael; Annette Lareau; Shani Adia Evans. 2019. “Talk on the Playground: The Neighborhood Context for School Choice.” City and Community 18(2):483-508.

Lareau, Annette; Shani Adia Evans; April Yee. 2016. “The Rules of the Game and the Uncertain Transmission of Advantage: Middle-class Parents’ Search for an Urban Kindergarten.” Sociology of Education 89(4):279-299.

Research Areas

race and ethnicity, space & place, sociology of education, intersectionality, housing, and qualitative research methods


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