Rudy Guerra

WEBSITE(S)| Dr. Guerra's website

Professor Guerra works in the areas biomedical, biostatistical and social science research. His biomedical interests include statistical genetics, bioinformatics,and imaging. He is also interested in applications of statistics in the social sciences, especially in education with a view toward inqualities and inquities. Of current interest is in determining how well modern methods of big data and machine learning work in social science problems, in particular of high-dimension and dependent structures. Dr. Guerra is currently serving as the Director of the Data Science Minor, a steering committee member of BRIDGE (Building Research on Inequality and Diversity to Grow Equity) and the Doerr Institute. Previously, he served as Jones College magister.

Research Areas

Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, General Methods for Applied Statistics


Ph.D. Statistics, University of California - Berkeley

M.A. Mathematics, University of California - Berkeley

B.S. Applied Mathematics, University of Texas - San Antonio

Advisory Role

2019- present Department Chair

2016 - 2019 Associate Chair

Teaching Areas

Probability and Statistics for Data Science


Statistical Methods

Societies & Organizations

American Statistical Association

Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

Honors & Awards

2016 - present Ford Foundation Fellowship Panel

2014- present BMC Genetics AE

2005-2011 Residential College Master of Jones College

2005-2007 Journal of the American Statistical Association AE


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