
Dr. Rosalynn Nankya is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at Rice University. She earned her BSc in Industrial Chemistry from Makerere University, Uganda. She then completed her MSc in Materials Science and Engineering at Kangwon National University, focusing on nanomaterials for photocatalysis. This work sparked her interest in various nanomaterials, leading her to pursue a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry at Dongguk University in Seoul, where she specialized in hetero-atom doped mesoporous graphene for diverse applications.

After earning her PhD, Dr. Nankya conducted postdoctoral research at SookMyung Women’s University, working on electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reactions. In 2022, she joined Dr. Haotian Wang's lab at Rice University for another postdoctoral position, where she designed novel, efficient, low-cost, and eco-friendly electrocatalysts for converting carbon dioxide into useful liquid fuels.

Beyond her research, Rosalynn enjoys making new friends, reading fictional novels, baking, and watching movies.


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