Randolph T. Stevenson

WEBSITE(S)| Personal Website

Professor Stevenson's research focuses on mass political behavior, cabinet formation, and institutional design in Western democracies. Hehas recently published articles in American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, Public Choice, and British Journal of Political Science. His book, entitled The Economic Vote: How Political and Economic Institutions Condition Election Results (co-authored with Raymond Duch), was published in 2008 by Cambridge University Press and won the Gregory M. Luebbert award for the bestbook in comparative politics in 2007 or 2008. His current research projects include studies of the role of incumbency in cabinet formation and a new NSF funded book project exploring the sources of cross-national differences in political knowledge. Dr. Stevenson also teaches a number of graduate courses in advanced statistical techniques.

Research Areas

Major areas of research include comparative democratic institutions, party competition and organization, comparative political economy, and political methodology.


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