Nicola Secomandi


Secomandi joins Rice Business from the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, where he previously was head of the Ph.D. program. Born in Italy, he earned an undergraduate degree in business administration, with a specialization on quantitative methods, from the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and both his M.S. in computer science and his Ph.D. in operations research and statistics from the University of Houston.

Secomandi has published his work in Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Operations Research, and in other journals. He has received NSF awards and INFORMS best paper prizes for his energy research. Secomandi presently teaches courses on Energy Analytics and Energy Operations. He is the editor of the Stochastic Models & Reinforcement Learning area of the INFORMS Journal of Computing, for which he was previously an associate editor, and serves as associate editor for Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management, IISE Transactions, Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Operations Research, and Production and Operations Management.

Research Areas

The current research of Nicola Secomandi focuses on the energy industry. He has devoted most of his attention in this domain to the management of the trading operations of merchant energy firms, in part based on his experience in the field. The energy transition is one of his ongoing interests.

Teaching Areas

Operations Management


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