Mike Fagan

WEBSITE(S)| Research Site

Mike Fagan received his B.A., M.S., and Ph.D. all from Rice University. His B.A. covered Mathematics, Math Science (now Computation and Applied Mathematics) and Electrical Engineering. His M.S. is in Electrical Engineering and and his Ph.D. is in Computer Science. Upon receiving his Ph.D, he joined the Rice University Research Staff as a Research Scientist. His Research interests include design and implementation of programming languages, especially high level languages, and automatic differentiation.


PhD, Computer Science, Rice University (1991)

MEE, Electrical Engineering, Rice University

BS, Mathematics, Mathematical Sciences and Electrical Engineering, Rice University

Teaching Areas

Introduction to Computer Systems

Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems

Advanced Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Introduction to Parallel Programming

Introduction to Scientific Programming and Libraries

Advanced Scientific Programming

Introduction to Scientific Programming and Libraries


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