Michelle "Mikki" Hebl

WEBSITE(S)| Personal Site

Mikki Hebl (Dartmouth College, Ph.D) is the Martha and Henry Malcolm Lovett Chair of Psychology, Professor of Management. Dr. Hebl’s research focuses on diversity and discrimination-related issues. In 2014, Dr. Hebl received the Sage Award for Scholarly Contributions from the Academy of Management for her lifetime research on gender and diversity in organizations.



Research Areas

Diversity and Discrimination


B.A. in Psychology, Smith College, 1991

M.S. in Psychology, Texas A&M University, 1993

Ph.D. in Psychology, Dartmouth College, 1997

Honors & Awards

CTE Faculty Fellow, 2020-23

Jones School of Business MBA for Executives Award for Teaching Excellence, 2017

Cherry Professor of the Year Award Winner, 2016

George R. Brown Certificate of Highest Merit, 2015

Sarah A. Burnett Superior Teaching in the Social Sciences, 2015

George R. Brown Prize for Superior Teaching, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2012, 2014

George R. Brown Prize for Excellence in Teaching, 2003, 2010

Charles W. Duncan Jr. Achievement Award for Outstanding Faculty, 2008

Nicolas Salgo Distinguished Teacher Award, 2008

Society of I-O Psychology Distinguished Teaching Contributions Award, 2008

Julia Miles Chance Prize for Excellence in Teaching, 2005

Piper Foundation Teaching Award, 2004

Graduate Student Association’s Faculty Teaching / Mentoring Award, 2003

Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Prize, 2000


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