Rafel Salaberry

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M. Rafael Salaberry conducts research in a number of areas associated with the fields of applied linguistics, second language acquisition, multilingualism and bilingual education. In several publications, he has focused on tense and aspect in second language acquisition, and he has also worked o the art and science of teaching Spanish as a second language, which is closely connected to an ongoing engagement with the political dimension of multilingual education, including questions of political and social justice in language education. In a network of global collaborations that run from Japan to Sweden, Salaberry has also worked on interactional competence, and he is also interested in the effect of new media and technology on second language acquistion.

Salaberry is on the mceditorial boards of the Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, Asia CALL Online Journal, and Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, and he also serves on the International Advisory Board of the Instituto de Lengua y Cultura Españolas (ILCE) at the Universidad de Navarra in Spain.

1. Books and Edited Volumes

  • Ed. with Alfred Rue Burch, Assessing Speaking in Context: Expanding the Construct and Its Applications (Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2021).
  • Ed. with Silvia Kunitz, Teaching and Testing L2 Interactional Competence: Bridging Theory and Practice (New York: Routledge, 2019).
  • Ed. with Kate White and Alfred Rue Burch, Language Learning and Interactional Experience in Study Abroad Settings, special issue of Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education 4/1 (2019).
  • With Catherine M. Barrette, Marisol Fernández-García, and Irma Celina Nevárez, Conectándonos, 3rd edn. (Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2019).
  • Ed. with H. Tao, M. Yeh, and Alfred Rue Burch, Developing Discourse and Interactional Competence, special issue of Journal of Chinese as a Second Language Research 7/1 (2018).
  • Ed. with Llorenç Comajoan, Research Design and Methodology in Studies on L2 Tense and Aspect (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013).
  • Ed., Language Allegiances and Bilingualism in the U.S. (Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2009).
  • Marking Past Tense in Second Language Acquisition: A Theoretical Model (New York: Continuum, 2008).
  • Ed. with Barbara A. Lafford, The Art of Teaching Spanish (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2006).
  • Ed. with Dalila Ayoun, Tense and Aspect in Romance Languages: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2005).
  • Ed. with Barbara A. Lafford, Spanish Second Language Acquisition: State of the Science (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2003).
  • Ed. with Yasuhiro Shirai, The L2 Acquisition of Tense-Aspect Morphology (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002).
  • The Development of Past Tense Morphology in L2 Spanish (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2000).

2. Journal Articles and Book Chapters

  • “The ‘Transformative’ Potential of Translanguaging and Other Heteroglossic Educational Practices,” Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices 1/2 (2020), 266-89.
  • “The Elephant in the Room: The Hierarchical Division of Spoken and Written ‘Grammars’,” Hispanic Issues Online 6 (2016), 38-56.
  • “Contrasting Preterite and Imperfect Use Among Advanced L2 Learners: Judgments of Iterated Eventualities in Spanish,” International Review of Applied Linguistics 51 (2013), 243-70.
  • “The Use of Technology for Second Language Learning and Teaching: A Retrospective,” Modern Language Journal 84 (2001), 537-54.

Recent Courses

  • SPPO 435 Language Ideologies and Language Identities
  • SPPO 360 Second Language Acquisition
  • SPPO 341 Dialects in Contact
  • SPPO 340 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics


Research Areas

Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Multilingualism and Bilingual Education


PhD, Cornell University

Advisory Role

Program Advisor, Spanish and Portuguese


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