Loren G. Bryant, MS, MBA Bio Picture

Loren Bryant is a Program Manager in the Department of Health Disparities Research within the Division of Cancer Prevention Population Sciences at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, as well as a staff member for The Center for Community-Engaged Translational Research (CCETR), a research resource of the Duncan Family Institute, which helps investigators implement their research in community settings and supports the recruitment and retention of minorities and women to clinical trials at MD Anderson. Ms. Bryant manages multiple community-based participatory research programs related to smoking cessation, improving dietary habits, increasing physical activity, access to healthcare, and health literacy. She has served as an Adjunct Lecturer in the Health and Kinesiology Department at Prairie View A&M University since 2010.

Ms. Bryant’s graduate work includes a Master of Science with a concentration in Health Promotion from McNeese State University (2006) and a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Healthcare Management from The University of Texas at Tyler (2017).


Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Healthcare Management from The University of Texas at Tyler

Master of Science with a concentration in Health Promotion from McNeese State University


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