Kirsten Westmoreland, Ph.D.

Dr. Kirsten Westmoreland (University of Bristol, Ph.D.) came to Rice in 2021 as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow before joining the Department of Psychology as a Lecturer. Dr. Westmoreland's current research focuses broadly on the role of emotion in person perception. Beyond this, she is involved in scale development and validation for both individual differences measures and social cognitive tasks.

Dr. Westmoreland is an active member of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology where she serves on the Professional Development Committee. At Rice, she is a faculty associate for Will Rice College and a regular attendee at CTE events and workshops.

Research Areas

Person perception, social cognition, individual differences, emotion and motivation, personality, scale validation


Ph.D. in Psychological Sciences, University of Bristol, 2021

B.S. in Psychology, Washington State University, 2017


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