Kaiyu Hang

WEBSITE(S)| Research Site | RobotΠ Lab

Kaiyu Hang is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science, and he directs the Robotics and Physical Interactions Lab (RobotΠ Lab) at Rice University. Before joining Rice, he finished his postdoc research at Yale University, received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and earned his B.Eng. from Xi’an Jiaotong University.

He is broadly interested in robotic systems that can physically interact with other robots, people, and the world. By developing algorithms in optimization, learning, and control, his research is focused on efficient, robust, and generalizable manipulation systems ranging from small scale grasping and in-hand manipulation, to large scale dual-arm mobile manipulation, and multi-robot manipulation. His research has received widespread media coverage including MIT Technology Review, Science Robotics, National Public Radio (NPR), YAHOO! News, TechXplore, Smithsonian, Nanowerk, Yale SEAS News, Nature Electronics etc.

Research Areas

Robotic Manipulation, Physical Interactions, Motion Planning, Robot Learning, Robot Control, Probabilistic Estimation


PhD, Computer Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (2016)

MSc, Communication Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (2012)

BE, Information Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University (2010)

Honors & Awards

NSF CAREER Award, 2023

Best Oral Paper Award, Finalist, IEEE-RAS Humanoids, 2019

Mike Stillman Award, Finalist, IEEE-RAS Humanoids, 2019

Best Paper Award in Robotic Manipulation, Finalist, IEEE-RAS ICRA, 2019

Best Robotic Manipulation Paper Award, Finalist, IEEE-RAS ICRA, 2017

Junior Fellowship Award, Institute for Advanced Study, HKUST, 2017-2018

Ranked 13 in Final Match, Amazon Picking Challenge 2015

Best Student Paper Award, Finalist, IEEE-RAS ICRA, 2014

Ranked 23/7500 globally and ranked 8 in EU, IEEEXtreme 7.0 Programming Contest

Best Cognitive Robotics Paper Award, Finalist, IEEE/RSJ IROS, 2012


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