Jeremy Fiel

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My research and teaching focus on education, segregation and inequality, and quantitative research methods. Several of my past projects seek to better understand contemporary racial school segregation. I have also published research on education’s role in the processes by which inequality in one generation is (or isn’t) passed on to subsequent generations. Currently, I am studying how recent education policies have affected school segregation and equality of opportunity. I am also beginning to examine how institutions historically have segregated or otherwise regulated different types of relations (economic, political, familial, etc.) between racial categories in different ways, and the consequences this has had.

Prior to life as a sociologist, I was a high school science teacher and earned an M.A. in Curriculum & Instruction from the University of Mississippi. I then earned a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Before coming to Rice, I was an Assistant Professor in the School of Sociology at the University of Arizona.


Fiel, Jeremy E. (Forthcoming). “Relational Segregation: A Structural View of Categorical Relations.” Sociological Theory.

Diaz, Christina J., and Jeremy E. Fiel (equal authorship). (2020). “When Size Matters: IV Estimates of Sibship Size on Educational Attainment in the U.S.” Population Research and Policy Review.

Fiel, Jeremy E. (2020). “Great Equalizer or Great Selector? Reconsidering Education as a Moderator of Intergenerational Transmissions.” Sociology of Education 93(4):353-371.

Fiel, Jeremy E., and Yongjun Zhang (equal authorship). (2019). “With All Deliberate Speed: The Reversal of Court-Ordered School Desegregation, 1970-2013.” American Journal of Sociology 124(6):1685-1719.

Research Areas

Stratification and mobility, sociology of education, segregation, educational inequality, race/ethnicity, applied methods


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