Janell Straach

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Dr. Janell Straach has a diverse background including academic and industry experience. She holds a Bachelor of Science in CS degree from Angelo State University, a Master of Computer Science degree from Texas A&M University, an MBA from The University of Dallas and a Masters and PhD from UT Dallas. Her PhD research was in intelligent systems and recent work has focused on CyberSecurity. Prior to her current assignment with Rice University, she was a member of the faculty at UT Dallas in Richardson, TX. Before her academic assignments, she worked in industry for IBM and a large electric/gas utility organization. She has taught at the college, university and corporate level. Janell’s passion is recruiting and retaining females into technology careers. She is chairman of the board of Women In CyberSecurity-WiCyS (www.wicys.org).

Research Areas

Intelligent Systems, CyberSecurity, Software Architecture, Software Project Management


Master of Business Administration, University of Dallas (2008)

PhD, Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas (1998)

MS, Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas (1995)

Master of Computer Science, Texas A&M University (1985)

BS, Computer Science, Angelo State University (1984)

Teaching Areas

Machine Learning


Honors & Awards

2018: Women in Technology Advocate Award by Dallas Business Journal

2018: Tech Titans University of the Future Award

Dean’s Outstanding Faculty Award

Chairman of the Board for Women In Cyber Security (WiCyS)

Co-chair of Women In CyberSecurity (WiCyS) annual conference

Board Member, Girls in Tech Dallas

Faculty advisor for Women Who Compute


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