James D. Faubion

I am currently beginning work on a project that will focus on scenario construction. The themes central to the project include the problematization of the statistical representation of the future, the logical and rhetorical dimensions of the narrative imagination of the future, and the contemporary modalities of the engagement with risk and uncertainty.

My publications reflect my sustained interest in the anthropology of temporal consciousness; the anthropology of self-formation and ethics; anthropological research design; the work o Michel Foucault; the prevailing epistemological figures of anthropological thought; the more general sociocultural ecology of social and cultural thought; the theorization of kinship; religious ideation and practice; the anthropology of literature; and ancient and modern Greece.


ed., Critical Thinkers Now: Michel Foucault (Polity Press, forthcoming)

"Foucault's Ontology and Epistemology of Ethics," in A Foucault Companion, edited by Timothy O'Leary (Wiley, 2012).

"Foucault's Genealogy of Ethics," in A Companion to Moral Anthropology, edited by Didier Fassin (Wiley, 2012).

An Anthropology of Ethics (Cambridge, 2011) (with George Marcus), ed.,

Fieldwork Is Not What It Used to Be: Learning Anthropology's Method in a Time of Transition (Cornell, 2009)

(collaborative dialogue with Paul Rabinow, George Marcus and Tobias Rees) Designs for an Anthropology of the Contemporary (Duke 2008)

"Homo Absconditus: Lévi-Strauss and Foucault," in Radiations of a Savage Mind: The Anthropology of Claude Lévi-Strauss, edited by Michael Kauppert et al.(in German: Berghahn Books 2008).

"Heterotopia: An Ecology," in Heterotopia and the City: Public Space in a Postcivil Society, edited by Michiel Dehaene and Lieven De Cauter (Routledge 2008). (with George Marcus) "Constructionism in Anthropology," in Handbook of Constructionist Research, edited by James Holstein and Jay Gubrium (Guilford 2008). ed., The Ethics of Kinship: Ethnographic Inquiries (Westview, 2001)

Shadows and Lights of Waco: Millennialism Today (Princeton, 2001)

ed., Essential Works of Michel Foucault. Volume 3: Power (New Press, 2000)

ed., Essential Works of Michel Foucault. Volume 2: Aesthetics, Method, Epistemology (New Press, 1998) ed., Rethinking the Subject: An Anthology of European Social Thought (Westview, 1995)

Modern Greek Lessons: A Primer in Historical Constructivism (Princeton, 1993)

Research Areas

Anthropology of self-formation and ethics; anthropological research design; the work of Michel Foucault; the prevailing epistemological figures of anthropological thought; the more general sociocultural ecology of social and cultural thought; the theorization of kinship; religious ideation and practice; anthropology of literature; anthropology of temporality; ancient and modern Greece


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