Gururaj Naik

WEBSITE(S)| Naik Lab

Dr. Naik received his Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering, Purdue University working in the research groups of Prof. Alexandra Boltasseva and Prof. Vladimir M. Shalaev. His dissertation research focused on developing new material platforms that overcame many major bottlenecks in the performance, fabrication and integration of plasmonic and metamaterial devices. Later, as a postdoctoral scholar in the Dionne group at Stanford University, Dr. Naik developed a new photon upconversion technique taking advantage of optical losses in metal nanoparticles.

Dr. Naik's research interests lie in nanophotonics, a border where nanotechnology meets optics to deliver optical devices with unprecedented functionalities. His group develops novel nanophotonic devices for next generation renewable energy technology, imaging and chemical detection. Dr. Naik’s research work has been recognized through an IEEE Photonics Society Graduate Student Fellowship and an Outstanding Graduate Student Award from Purdue University.

Research Areas

Light and heat management for clean energy: thermophotovoltaics and photovoltaics; Materials for plasmonics and metamaterials; Large-area nanofabrication and integration Photonics an optics


2013 Ph.D. Electrical & Computer Engineering, Purdue University

2008 M.E. Microelectronics, Indian Institute of Science

2006 B.E. Electronics & Communications Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological University

Honors & Awards

Outstanding Graduate Student Award from Purdue University


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