Frank Geurts is a Professor of Physics & Astronomy at Rice University in Houston, Texas. He joined Rice in 2008 and leads the Experimental Relativistic Heavy Group. Frank received his Ph.D. at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, and since then has worked at Philips Research Laboratories ("Nat.Lab") in the Netherlands, Rice University in Houston, and at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland). While at Philips Research, he worked in the Digital Design group he has been involved in various heavy-ion experiments, ranging from the fixed-target CERN-SPS WA93 and WA98 experiments, to the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Lab and the CMS experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. Frank has been convener of the Light Flavor Spectra Physics Working group, and Physics Analysis Coordinator. He currently serves as Deputy Spokesperson of the STAR Collaboration. In addition, he is involved in the CMS collaboration where he leads the online software group of the Endcap Muon detector system.

WEBSITE(S)| Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Physics | T.W. Bonner Laboratory
Research Areas
Relativistic Heavy-Ion Physics, High-Energy Nuclear Physics
1992 MS Physics, Ultrecht University, Ultrecht, The Netherlands
1998 PhD Experimental Physics, Ultrecht University, Ultrecht, The Netherlands