We focus on determining the seismic structure of Earth’s deep interior to understand its chemical composition and the nature of convection within the planet. We have applied and developed many techniques to map the fine seismic structures at various depths. A variety of research projects including the inner core hemisphericity and anisotropy, fine seismic structure near the core-mantle boundary, seismic reflectors in the mid-mantle depths, lateral variation of the mantle transition zone structure, the crust-mantle transition and depth distribution of seismic anisotropy is ongoing in our group.

Research Areas
global seismology, inner core hemisphericity and anisotropy, mid-mantle seismic structures
B.S. Geophysics (1988) University of Science and Technology of China
M.S. Geophysics (1994) University of Tokyo
Ph.D. Geophysics (1997) University of Tokyo
Societies & Organizations
American Geophysical Union
Seismological Society of Japan
Honors & Awards
Fellow of the American Geophysical Union
NSF and Carnegie Fellowship
Science and Technology Agency of Japan (STA) Fellowship
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship
Monbusho Scholarship of the Ministry of Education, Japan