Eva Lee

Eva J Lee was awarded Professor Emeritus Status in the year 2000 after serving on the Faculty of the Department of Kinesiology since 1969. She was a Resident Associate at Jones College from 1975 to 1983 and served as Director of Equal Opportunity programs for thirteen years prior to returning to her Department to resume her teaching and research activities in 1993.

Eva is published in the field of Women's Exercise and Health, Bone Density and Iron Deficiency in Elite Women Athletes.

Dr. Lee serves on the Rice Women's Athletic Advisory Board and is the Tournament Director for the Rice Golf Classic, which raises money for the Women's Athletic Program.

Dr. Lee has won many recent awards, including being named a 2012 Rice Laureate and awarded the prestigious Meritorious Service Award by the Association of Rice Alumni. She was also a 2015 Rice Athletics Hall of Fame Honoree with the Honorary R Award. 


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