Nia Georges

Eugenia Georges joined the Rice faculty in 1988. Her major interests are in medical anthropology, the cultural study of reproduction, labor migration and economic development. She is currently interested in medical anthropology; politics of reproduction; cultural study of pregnancy, childbirth; new reproductive technologies; social movements to demedicalize maternity care; transnational migration, gender and development. Greece; Brazil, Dominican Republic.


"New Health Socialities in Brazil: The Movement to 'Humanize' Childbirth." With Robbie Davis-Floyd. In Lenore Manderson, et al., eds. Vital Signs: Medical Anthropology for the 21st Century. Routledge, forthcoming, 2015.

"An Intervention Just Like Any Other": Changing Meanings of the Caesarean in Contemporary Greece." In Venetia Kantsa, ed. Motherhood in the Forefront: Recent Research in Greek Ethnography. Alexandra Press, 2013.

"Reading Pregnancy in Greece: The Rhetorical Production of Maternal and Fetal Personhood." In Akis Papataxiarchis, ed. Rethinking the Political in Greek Ethnography, Alexandra Press, 2012.

"Re-visiting Sex and Gender in Contemporary Greek Ethnography." Guest co-editor, Special Issue of The Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 18(2), 2010.

"Introduction: Re-visiting Sex and Gender in Contemporary Greek Ethnography." With Chrisy Moutsatsos and Brian Riedel. The Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 18(2): 197-212, 2010.

"Guiding Pregnancy: Expert Advice and the Modern Greek Mother. " The Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 18 (2): 387-412, 2010.

Bodies of Knowledge: the Medicalization of Reproduction in Greece, Vanderbilt University Press, 2008.

"Compatible Contradictions: Religion and the Naturalization of Assisted Reproduction". In B. Andrew Lustig, Baruch Brody, and Gerald P. McKenny, eds., Altering Nature Volume II: Religion, Biotechnology and Public Policy. With C. Traina, M. Inhorn, S. Kahn, and M. Ryan, pp. 15-86, Cambridge University Press, 2008.

"Baby Talk: The Rhetorical Production of Maternal and Fetus Selves." With Lisa Mitchell. In M. Lay, L. Gurak, C. Gravon and C. Myntti, eds. Body Talk: Rhetoric, Technology, Reproduction, pp. 184-206. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2000.

"Cross-Cultural Cyborgs: Greek and Canadian Women's Discourses on Fetal Ultrasound". With Lisa Mitchell. (Revised version of article first published inFeminist Studies.) In Ann Saetnan, Nelly Oudshoorn, and Marta Kirejczyk, eds. Bodies of Technology: Women's Involvement in Reproductive Medicine, pp. 384-409. Ohio State University Press, 2000.

"Baby's First Picture: The Cyborg Fetus of Ultrasound Imaging". With Lisa Mitchell. In R. Davis-Floyd and J. Dumit, eds. Cyborg Babies: From Techno-Sex to Techno-Tots, pp. 105-124. London: Routledge, 1998.

"Cross-Cultural Cyborgs: Greek and Canadian Women's Discourses on Fetal Ultrasound." With Lisa Mitchell. Feminist Studies 23(2):373-401, 1997.

"Fetal Ultrasound Imaging and the Production of Authoritative Knowledge in Greece". In R. Davis-Floyd and C. Sargent, eds. Childbirth and Authoritative Knowledge, pp. 91-112. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.

"A Cultural and Historical Perspective on Confession". In J. W. Pennebaker, ed.,Emotion, Disclosure and Health, pp. 11-22. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1995.

"Greek Women in the Europe of 1992: Brokers of European Cargos and the Logic of the West". With Eleni Papagaroufali. In G. Marcus, ed. Perilous States: Conversations on Culture, Race and Nation, pp. 235-54. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.

"Fetal Ultrasound Imaging and the Production of Authoritative Knowledge in Greece." Medical Anthropology Quarterly 10(2):157-175, 1996.

"Abortion Policy and Practice in Greece." Social Science and Medicine, 42(4):509-519, 1996.

"Gender, Migration and Class in the Dominican Republic: Women's Experiences in a Transnational Community." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 645:81-99, 1992.

The Making of a Transnational Community: Migration, Development and Cultural Change in the Dominican Republic. New York: Columbia University Press, 1990.

Research Areas

Medical anthropology; politics of reproduction; cultural study of pregnancy, childbirth, and new reproductive technologies; social movements to demedicalize maternity care; transnational migration, gender and development. Greece; Brazil, Dominican Republic


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