
Diane Wolfthal specializes in late medieval and early modern European art. Her interests include feminist and gender studies, Jewish Studies, the history of sexuality, technical art history, and the study of the intersection of money, values, and culture. Her authored books include In and Out of the Marital Bed: Seeing Sex in Renaissance Art (Yale University Press, 2010), Picturing Yiddish: Gender, Identity, and Memory in Illustrated Yiddish Books of Renaissance Italy (Leiden: Brill, 2004), Images of Rape: The "Heroic" Tradition and its Alternatives (Cambridge University Press, 1999), and The Beginnings of Netherlandish Canvas Painting (Cambridge University Press, 1989). She co-authored Princes and Paupers: The Art of Jacques Callot (2013) and Corpus of Fifteenth-Century Painting in the Southern Netherlands and the Principality of Liège: Early Netherlandish Paintings in Los Angeles (Brussels: KIK-IRPA, 2014). She has also edited or co-edited collections of essays on the family; peace and negotiation; the rise of the monetary economy and its effect on European culture; and a Festschrift for Colin Eisler. She is a Founding Co-editor of Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal.

Book and Exhibition Plans

Wolfthal's two major current projects are Household Help: Images of Servants and Slaves in Europe and Abroad, 1400-1700, under contract to Yale University Press, and an exhibition, Medieval Money, for the Morgan Library and Museum in New York.

For PDFs of her publications, see her website on academia.com.

Research Areas

Medieval and Early Modern European Art and Culture


Ph.D. Institute of Fine Arts, New York University

M.A. Queens College, City University of New York

B.A. City College, City University of New York


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